Reporting and Transparency
Nondiscrimination Statement
Ivy Academy’s Skillern elementary is an equal opportunity employer and provider. Read our Nondiscrimination Statement here.
Bullying Report
Public Charter Schools are required to provide an online anonymous bullying reporting platform. Access it here.
Public Charter Schools are required to provide the community with an annual transportation report, a transportation policy, and an online reporting platform for bus complaints. Access each at the above links, or call the Hamilton County bus reporting hotline at 423-498-5555.
Danger Tip Line
If you see a potential threat to our students, campus, or staff, please use this form to report. Access it here.
Teaching Prohibited Concept Complaints
Public Charter Schools are required to post on their website the form for parents to utilize if parents wish to file a complaint concerning the teaching of prohibited concepts. Access it here.
Threat Assessments
Anytime we conduct a threat assessment, you may view that information here.
Wellness Policy
Ivy Academy's Skillern Elementary recognizes the link between student wellness and academic achievement. In order to implement overall wellness for students, we have established the the Wellness Policy found here.
Government Auditing
Public Charter Schools are subject to governmental auditing. All their audits are public record and available on the Tennessee Comptroller’s website.
Board Transparency
Public Charter Schools are required to have meetings open to the public, and to publicly advertise the time, date, and location of these meetings. They are also required to post the meeting minutes from board meeting. Both are available on our Board page.
Book List
In compliance with Tennessee’s Age Appropriate Materials Act of 2022, Skillern Elementary has listed all the books used in our classrooms here.
Foundational Literacy Skills Plan
Skillern’s literacy program has been approved by the Tennessee Department of Education and meets the requirements of the Tennessee Literacy Success Act. View our Foundational Literacy Plan here.